About Our Wedding
Our wedding is set for October 26th at the beautiful Rooftop On Bree. We kindly request that all guests observe a strictly formal to black tie dress code to enhance the elegance of our celebration. Please note, our wedding will be an adult-only occasion. We ask that all RSVPs be submitted by July 31st, 2024. We look forward to sharing this special day with you.
Wedding Party
Meet our lovely family and friends who will by the side of the bride and groom on the big day.
Cheryl Heaney
Peter Heaney
Marco Bothma
Deane Lamprecht
Lindie Botha
Raymond Botha
Elicia Bothma
Willie Bothma
Our Wishing Well
We are deeply grateful for your presence on our special day, as it is the greatest gift we could ask for. In lieu of traditional wedding gifts, we kindly request that guests embrace the elegance of the occasion by adhering to a formal black tie dress code. This will help create a truly magical and memorable atmosphere as we celebrate our love surrounded by family and friends. Thank you for honoring our wishes and joining us in making the day extraordinary.
We kindly request the favor of your RSVP by July 31, 2024. Please be aware that failure to respond by this deadline will be considered a regretful decline of attendance.